Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 4... Pets and ME

Deadline for Pictures submission: Sunday june 7 @12 noon MST.

Pictures will be posted on: Monday June 8 by 12 noon MST.

Deadline for Voting: Monday June 15 @ 10am MST.


Week 3 Grandparents and Me Girls

1.Abbey May

Grandma and Abbey at the hospital


This is Abigail with her Great-grandfather. I've always called him PaPa. He'll probably be around to see her graduate high school


Attached is my picture of Addison with her Grandma. Addison is my mom's first grandbaby.


4 Generations of wonderful women. Great Grandma, Mom (Me), Grandma, and Alyssa

5.Aubrey K

This picture was taken just a few hours after Aubrey was born. It's my parents admiring their first grandbaby... and, yes, their shirts do say "first time grandma" and "first time grandpa"!!! Although their expression is not the absolute best in the photo, I still think you can see the love and admiration in their eyes.


This picture was taken Aubrey's first day home from the hospital.


Great Grandma Carmela meet Great Granddaughter Carmella.



My mom came into town the day after Ei was born, and this is mereseconds after she walked into our hospital room - she just snatchedthe baby right away from me. =)

10. Emily

This is a pic of Grandma, the day after she was born. Grandma was the first person she saw when she was born, her eye opened as I was delivering her, and Cheryl was right there holding my leg and looking right into her eye! How cool is that.


Julia is 4 weeks old here enjoying a bedtime snack with her Grandmommy.

12. Layla

Grampa bought layla a pink fishing pole and i think she is mad that she cant use it yet!!

13. Madelyne

This is my daughter Madelyne at just about 12 weeks meeting her Great Grandmother Valerie for the first time on May 25th we were having a birthday party for my husband and she crashed out in her Great-gmas arms.

14. Makayla

Makayla and Grandpa feel asleep together after a long day of doing nothing but relaxing (3 weeks old)

15. Mikaela


My parents drove 12 hours to meet Rainey on the day she was born.


Here's Sofia giving her grandpa a smile at 38 days old

Week 3... Grandparents and me Boys


This is my LO Joshua chillaxing in the bath with his Nanna. I just>> love his arm up on the side of the bath!!


This was taken when Colin was 4 days old, and he and his Great Grandpa both fell asleep on the couch.

3. Connor

Here is Connor with my mom - his Nana! He was listening very intently to her stories! :)


Padraic and "Gram" apparently both have the same bedtime :-P



This is my Mom (Liam's Mom-Mom) with Liam when he was just 1 day old. This was taken in the NICU...poor little guy still had the IV splint on his arm.


We live a province away from my parents now, but a week after Mateo was born, they flew in to spend a week with us. As you can see Omi & Opa fell in love with their first grandchild instantly

8. Morgan

This is Great Grandma Mickey's first time meeting her first great-grandbaby! She had just gotten out of the hospital as she had a pacemaker put in - and yet she INSISTED on holding her first great grandbaby - named after her son who died 15 years ago (my husbands father, DH was 17 when his dad passed away unexpectedly of hear failure). She was so proud to be holding a third generation Morgan!


Striker Michael Tracy Pence and his Nonie(Great Grama) his middle name is the same as her husband who has passed away Willard Tracy . This picture was taken the 1st time she met him in Cali. She kept saying he looks just like his namesake.


He'd been fussy and my mom picked him up and he just cuddled right in!


This pic was taken over memorial weekend after our nephew's baseball game, was terribly hot.. which is why DS is sporting his diaper


He was 2 days old in this picture. His Great Grandpa was telling him all about the family.


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